Set Your Employees up for Medicare Success

For Employees Nearing Retirement or Medicare Eligibility

Medicare rules are complex and daunting to individuals approaching eligibility age. As employees continue to work past the Medicare-eligible age more frequently, they will need guidance from you to understand their choices and make educated decisions. Your support in facilitating comprehension and complete and accurate enrollments will help them avoid potential future penalties.

The Daywalt Group is prepared to educate your employees, easing their transition into Medicare and to help them make confident decisions to best suit their needs.

For Employees Exploring Medicare for a Loved One

It’s vital for your employees to know they have somewhere to turn for help. We help caregivers navigate Medicare on behalf of their loved ones, from learning about Medicare to reviewing current coverage.

With our support, you ease the burden on your caregiver employees allowing them to easily find the right care for their family’s situation.

Let us help you support the increasing number of employees who are at or near Medicare eligibility with our free educational programs and step-by-step guidance for plan 
decision-making and enrollment.